ercas. die agentur
Geographie - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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Wasserturm (I)

Der 76 Meter hohe Wasserturm (Torre del Agua) schloss den Wasserkreislauf des Expo-Geländes. Der spanische Architekt Enrique de Teresa gab dem Grundriss die Form eines Wassertropfens. Von der Aussichtsplattform konnten Besucher die Expo und die Stadt Saragossa überblicken. Im Innern des Turms war die Ausstellung "Wasser zum Leben" (Agua para la vida) zu sehen. Aus:

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"Water for life: Rain"

At the center of the zocalo are two monumental elements that invite the public to gather around water in a communal space. This "inverted" fountain is made of a dense cluster of 200 transparent tubes suspended above. The installation is ever changing, with gentle drips becoming a powerful torrent and varying intensity and patterns of light. The "aljibe" (a Spanish term for well) makes a 15 meter diameter pool which receives water falling from the Rain installation above, and curves downward in a vortex that alludes to the vast amounts of water hidden beneath the earth. The rhythm, repetition and change of water falling from the installation into the aljibe is complimented by a soundscape in the communal space that evokes the emotion and sensuality that bonds humanity, water, natural cycles and a living planet. From:

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Augenklinik der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Erstellt von A. Bergua MD
Geographie/Reisen  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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