ercas. die agentur
Geographie - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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Reflecting the water theme, "Fluvi" was a clean water droplet that is part of a group of small beings called Posis. During Expo 2008, he was joined by a friend Po who is another Posis as well as enemy Negas, who are dirty and polluted water droplets. "Fluvi" was created as a result of a design competition with more than 140 candidates. The designer is Sergi López. From:

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Aramón-Leitner Cable Car

The Aramón Leitner Cable Car run from the area next to Delicias Intermodal Station to the area next to the Water Tower.The International Exhibition’s location on the Ranillas Meander means it could be accessed over land (by bus, car or on foot); by water (on board the craft that arrive at the Expo river port on the Ebro); and by air, aboard the Aramón Leitner Cable Car, which departs from the area next to Zaragoza Delicias Intermodal Station and arrives at the north car park next to the Water Tower). The cable car has an innovative cableway system supported by eight compression towers. Another two, situated one either side of the river, have four braces and rise up like a giant pillars. These towers, with foundations dug deeper than 20 metres, enable the highest leg of the journey to take place over the River Ebro. From:

JPS Datei: 833k
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Augenklinik der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Erstellt von A. Bergua MD
Geographie/Reisen  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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