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Geography - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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"Water - a unique resource" (II)

Exhibition aims: - To present water as a universal human right. - To inform visitors how water is a unique resource. - To explain water managment procedures and encourage citizen participation. Main themes: - Water on the planet. - Why water is a unique resource. - Supply and demand - an unstable balance. - Pressure on water supply and world crisis. - Rethinking water management. - Governability. Water as a universal human right.

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"Water - a unique resource" (III)

The exposition "Water, unique resource" was desgined by Ralph Appelbaum Associatesc, company reated in 1978. This is a team specialising in design and communications with offices in New York, London and Beijing. They have carried out over two hundred projects over the last two decades including museums, commemorative spaces and cultural heritage, social history and natural history projects in more than fifty cities around the world that receiving more than 25 million visitors each year. These are famous works such as the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum or the American Museum of Natural History. The firm is currently undertaking projects in 13 US states and in 10 countries in the rest of the world.

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Department of Ophthalmology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Edited by A. Bergua MD
Geography/Travels  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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