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Geography - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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River aquarium

The new river aquarium is located in the heart of the Expo Zaragoza 2008 site, near the Spain pavilion. It has 1,600 m2 of floor space open to the public and the outside design of the building is enhanced by the waterfalls cascading from its flat roof, embellished by lighting effects at night. The Zaragoza river aquarium pays homage to rivers, "revealing depths of their soul and their hidden fragility". The visitor takes a journey through the aquatic ecosystems of five major rivers basins in different geographical regions of the Earth: the Nile, the Mekong, the Amazon, the Murray Darling and the Ebro river. From:

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Bridge Pavilion (III)

One of the technical features of the Bridge Pavilion engineering design project lies in the anchoring of the infrastructure. No other building in Spain has central piles that go down as far as those of the Bridge Pavilion: 72.5 metres in depth. Another of the unique features of the pavilion´s construction is the spanning process. A total of 140 metres of frame weighing 2,200 tonnes was built on the bank and transferred to its definitive location a journey of 125 metres. More than 20 people were involved in the process of moving the bridge. Some 150 welders and assembly crew members worked on the left bank throughout all of this process. During this time, work was carried out on both the interior and exterior of the pavilion. From:

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Department of Ophthalmology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Edited by A. Bergua MD
Geography/Travels  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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