ercas. die agentur
Geography - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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"Water - a unique resource" (V)

In this exhibition, visitors will learn how human beings are the world’s biggest consumers of water, as well as the reasons hehind increases in demands currently made on this scarce resource. Population growth, expanding urban areas, climate change, water pollution and wasteful consumer behaviour all conspire to worsen the problem. That´s why the new management policy, "governability", will play such a key role in changing this trend. From:

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Pavilion of Acciona

The Air Area has an ethereal backdrop made up from oxygen bubbles that rise to the surface. These bubbles give examples of alternative actions that ACCIONA promotes to ensure a better future. In this space, ACCIONA shows through their different business areas, how it is committed to find concrete solutions to current problems. They adopt a double commitment: respect the environment as much as possible and contribute to the development and well-being of our contemporary society and of future generations. From:

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Department of Ophthalmology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Edited by A. Bergua MD
Geography/Travels  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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