ercas. die agentur
Geography - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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"Soul of Ebro" (II)

"Alma del Ebro" ("Soul of Ebro") by the catalan Jaume Plensa. An infrastructure of 11 meters formed by a conglomerate of steel letters, which wants to give importance to people in an environment of major infrastructure. "Alma del Ebro" consists of a steel macro sculpture full of letters, which, according to the author, among them are words, phrases and conversations. Located between the pavilions of participants and the "Palacio de Congresos", linked the sculpture inside the engines of life: water and human body and is part of the vanguard of artistic interventions in the sample involving 25 recognized national and international artists. The structure consists of a steel mass subject by various cables. Words of the interior is stainless steel laser cut and its proportions differ in four models "to play with the structure."

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"Splash" (IV)

VFX digital sculpture developed by Pere Gifre (based on general concept by Program Collective). "Splash" is a 21 meters, 65 ft, tall sculpture formed from 135 independent and enterely computer generated pieces to represent the force, beauty and dynamism of a drop of water hitting a surface. The Concept: What more can express strength, force, danger, beauty, simplicity, complexity, sensitivity and virulence than a simple drop of water hitting a surface. The Splash sculpture is an instant time capture, a moment, a frame... where a drop of water hit on a rectangular surface caused an explosion which Program Collective named Splash. In the design, authors amplify properties that the water offers, thanks to fluids simulation, improving its beauty and heightening its sculptural function. From:

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Department of Ophthalmology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Edited by A. Bergua MD
Geography/Travels  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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