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Geography - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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Bridge Pavilion (VI)

The interlocking of the pods has given the design many exciting possibilities. Interiors become complex spaces, where visitors move from pod to pod through small in-between spaces that act as filters - or buffer zones. These zones diffuse the sound and visual experience from one exhibition space to the next, allowing for a clearer understanding of the content within each pod. The identity of each pod remains evident inside the pavilion, almost performing as a three-dimensional orientation device. Each zone within the building has its own spatial identity. Their nature varies from completely enclosed interior spaces that focus on the exhibition, to open spaces with strong visual connections to the Ebro River and the Expo. From:

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"Shared Water" (II)

The "Shared Water" themed plaza has the aim of replacing the political world we live in for a world of river basins and to show how their management can be shared. ADD: The professional activity of Manuel Bailo and Rosa Rull, both lecturers at prestigious schools of architecture in Catalonia, has been carried out through ADD+ARQUITECTURA, of which they are both founding members, since 1990. They have received many outstanding interior design and architectural prizes. NUG NUG operates in the field of architecture and understands its limits as blurred and diluted, often merging with and positively influencing other disciplines. NUG has created designs for exhibitions such as "Offjects" at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Barcelona or "Mira´m, modificacions del Cos" at the Forum of Cultures in Barcelona. From:

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Department of Ophthalmology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Edited by A. Bergua MD
Geography/Travels  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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