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Geography - EXPO 2008 ZARAGOZA
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Bridge Pavilion (I)

Built over the River Ebro by Zaha Hadid and Ove Arup, the bridge combines three functions: Expo entrance, pedestrian footbridge and exhibition pavilion. It was designed by the Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, the first woman to win the Pritzker Architecture Prize, with support from Ove Arup. Her project was chosen from among 41 design competition entries. The bridge is built in a diagonal over the River Ebro, in the vicinity of the Third Millennium Bridge carrying the Rabal Ring Road. It has a gently curving line and connects the Delicias Intermodal Station with the Convention Centre on the Expo site, passing over a small island. From:

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"Water - unique resource" (II)

The exhibition route starts at the pavilion entrance square. The visitor can see from this spot, three huge glass, wood, and metal cubes, which remind us the reasons by which water is a unique and essential resource for life. During the day, the differences among the three volumes can be seen at first sight, at night they light the square. From:

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Department of Ophthalmology of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Edited by A. Bergua MD
Geography/Travels  - EXPO 08 Zaragoza
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